Tuesday, 4 September 2012

GRIMM: Quill

So my first official blog post that is not an introduction to my future blog posts is about:...................................................................................


I love this show. I love that it is different. I am bored with all the regular cop shows and hospital shows. I'm a big fan of Science Fiction and fantasy. I love good acting, lots of wit and self-referential humor. Grimm fits my bill of a different, creative and interesting show. It's gross, not for everyone, but I love it.

This past episode was just great. Highlights for me:

Nick finally explains that the the reason why wessen can tell he is a Grimm has not been revealed yet. I am hoping that can be laid to rest on the forums until the writers choose to tell us more. (yes I still read the forums in search of a nugget or two - but I don't need to be spoon fed all the info of a show all at the beginning. I am content to let stuff roll out as the writers wish.) I would have liked more reality in where Nick and Hank discussed this, a coffee shop is not likely, but I don't care, let's get on with the story!

The reveal to Monroe that Hank knows. Hahahaha so funny. Silas Weir Mitchell is hilarious. Loved him on Prison Break btw. I am not sure why Nick didn't mention the disease to Monroe though. It seemed to me that he knew then it was a sick wessen. I would have at least mentioned it - in fact I think I would ALWAYS mention to Monroe when I encounter anything to do with Wessen. But perhaps the reveal about Juliette threw him off. I'm quite forgiving about these kinds of things. After all, they do tend to pack a lot into these short episodes.

Loved the cat thing escaping into the night and being hit by a car.

Loved the whole Monroe/Rosalee thing. They are great and HILLARIOUS. I loved that Rosalee hugged Nick's mom earlier in the season and I loved in this episode her response to finding out that Hank knows she is a wessen. "Whoa." I love that she's challenging the idea of wessen being monstrous. Challenging it "WITH LOVE"

Loved the Picnic basket. Did it REALLY belong to Monroe's grandmother or did she "borrow" it from someone????

LOVED LOVED LOVED Bud the Beaver. Always have, always will.

Okay some thoughts.....

The cat, remember, also had the cure that was given to Juliette. Given that it went psycho and chewed its way out of a cat carrier and ran out the door like it was on bath salts, I don't think Juliette is likely cured. Might she go loco in the future???? Will Nick come home to see her hanging upside down from the ceiling?

And also, did that cat REALLY get hit by a car or will it be back?

Back to Bud the beaver for a sec. I think there is a really interesting storyline potentially happening here. Think about it. Juliette's first memory that touches on Nick at all is sinister. Then she has another that seems friendly. So she invites over the guy that features in both. He starts to tell her that Nick has done something wonderful for all of them that was unexpected from someone like Nick - a Grimm. Then when he realizes she is not in on it, he back tracks and says it means good cop. Really? So it would be unusual for a good cop to do something nice for Bud and his friends? That makes no sense to me and I am sure it won't to Juliette if she thinks about it. Now Juliette, if we go back to the bigfoot episode which was referenced in this episode, has some good detective skills. She was able to find hairs and stuff and do some really good investigative work regarding that creature. In fact, she did some pretty good detecting in regards to Bud and his friends too. I suspect that Juliette is going to start thinking along the lines of Nick might be in the mob or something like that. She is going to start investigating who Nick really is and then will either be convinced that he is a bad guy, again, like a mobster, or she will start to uncover his grimmness. I really hope she comes round to the scooby team because her skills as a vet will really round out the team of Grimm, detective, Wessen and pharmacist. It would be awesome.

Team Scooby...? Nick = Alan, Juliette = Daphne, Hank = Shaggy, Monroe = Scooby, Rosalee = Veronica? Hmmmm I would have figured Sgt Wu for shaggy, but who knows ;)

What happens if wessen of different.... species? breeds? races? interbreed?

Finally, will there be any issues with Hank now hearing about Larry? Monroe mentions that he was the one who ran into Hank and says something about Larry being his good friend. What does this mean in light of the fact that (I think, my memory ain't so good these days) Larry's death is still unexplained and Nick and Monroe just left him in the forest. What if Hank, after awhile, decides that Nick is going too far with his Grimm duties and begins to investigate him. What if he finds out that Nick killed the guy who killed the CIA agents and tossed his gun? How far will Hank be willing to go to protect Nick?

- The Raven

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